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A Game Maked For Mini Jam 111 : Colors2

How To Play

  • 1: Gives a white pen
  • 2: Gives a red pen
  • 3: Gives a blue pen
  • 4 : Gives a yellow pen
  • Left click : Paints by pen color
  • White pencil makes blocks white
  • Red pencil turns white blocks red
  • Blue pencil turns white blocks blue
  • Yellow pencil turns white blocks yellow
  • Red pen + Blue pen makes white blocks purple
  • Red pencil + Yellow pencil turns white blocks orange
  • Dark colors do not change to other colors

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  • White Block -> No effect
  • Red Block -> Kills the player
  • Blue Block -> Slows the player
  • Yellow Block -> Makes the player fast
  • Purple Block -> Slows the player, reduces gravity and jumps the player
  • Orange Block -> Makes the player fast and pushes the player back
  • The player is trying to die, you must block him with the colors given for 30 seconds.

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Please dont finish the game with errors

Thanks for playing

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